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How to write a basic press release for a start up nonprofit

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Writing a press release for a start-up nonprofit can help generate media coverage and raise awareness about your organization’s mission and activities. Here’s a basic structure to follow:

  1. Release Date: Include the release date at the top of the document, along with your organization’s contact information (name, phone number, email address, and website).
  2. Headline: Write a concise and attention-grabbing headline that summarizes the main news or announcement. Make sure it is clear and compelling.
  3. Subheadline (Optional): If needed, include a subheadline to provide additional context or highlight a key aspect of the news.
  4. Dateline: Begin the body of the press release with a dateline that includes the city and state where the release is being issued.
  5. Introduction: In the first paragraph, provide a brief overview of your nonprofit organization, including its name, mission, and any relevant background information. This paragraph should capture the reader’s attention and make them want to continue reading.
  6. News/Announcement: In the following paragraphs, provide the details of the news or announcement you want to share. This could be the launch of a new program, a fundraising event, a partnership, or any other significant development. Include relevant information such as dates, locations, key participants, and the impact or significance of the news.
  7. Quotes: Include one or two quotes from key individuals within your organization, such as the founder, executive director, or board members. These quotes should add a human element and provide insight into the importance of the news or announcement.
  8. Background Information: Provide additional background information about your nonprofit, including its history, goals, and any notable achievements. This section can help provide context and further engage the reader.
  9. Call to Action: Towards the end of the press release, include a call to action that encourages readers to get involved or learn more about your organization. This could be a request to visit your website, attend an event, or contact your organization for further information.
  10. Boilerplate: Conclude the press release with a short paragraph about your nonprofit, known as a boilerplate. This paragraph should provide a brief overview of your organization, including its mission, target audience, and any unique aspects that set it apart.
  11. Contact Information: Finally, include the contact information of a media contact person within your organization. This should include their name, title, phone number, and email address. This person should be available to answer any media inquiries or provide additional information.

Remember to keep the press release concise, clear, and focused on the most important information. Proofread it carefully for any errors or typos before distributing it to media outlets or posting it on your website.

Check out one of our old press releases for a client here —->